Mass Times and Other Services
Mass Times
Please always consult the newsletter (paper copy or online) to confirm the times of masses, as due to unforeseen funeral arrangements times can change, specially during the week. Thank you.
MONDAY: ROSARY 9:30am, HOLY MASS 10:00am (St Gregory’s)
TUESDAY: ROSARY 8:50am, HOLY MASS 9:15am (St Oswald’s)
TUESDAY: DEVOTIONS 1:00pm - 2:00pm (St Gregory’s)
WEDNESDAY: ROSARY 8:00am, HOLY MASS 8:30am (St Gregory’s)
WEDNESDAY: EXPOSITION 4:00pm - 5:00pm (St Gregory's)
THURSDAY: ROSARY 8:50am, HOLY MASS 9:15am (St Oswald’s)
THURSDAY: DEVOTIONS 1:00pm - 2:00pm (St Gregory’s)
FRIDAY: ROSARY 8:00am, HOLY MASS 8:30am (St Gregory’s)
SATURDAY: ROSARY 9:30am, HOLY MASS 10:00am (St Gregory’s)
HOLY MASS 9:30am & 6:30pm (St Gregory’s) & 11:00am (St Oswald’s)
The Rosary - on weekdays 25 minutes before the start of Mass, the Rosary Group lead us in praying the Rosary together. All are most welcome.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) - Saturday after morning Mass
Baptism - 1st, 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month at 1:00pm (St Gregory's) & 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:15pm (St Oswald's)
Marriage - By arrangement, but some six months notice is required to enable paperwork and instruction to be completed.
Chorley Deanery (Pastoral Area 12) Weekend and Holyday Mass Times
We thought it would be helpful to show all the Mass times in the Chorley Deanery, please check relevant newsletters for any announcements/changes.