Youth Group & Lourdes Pilgrimage
A group of young parishioners meet to plan involvement of young people in the life of the parish and in the celebration of the liturgy.
This group plan and present the services at Mass on Youth Sunday, join in the sacramental preparation programme for the younger children, plan and present coffee mornings after the Sunday Mass, and promote the Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage to Lourdes.
In 2015, 45 young people from across Lancashire made the journey to Lourdes - over 1000 miles and 25 hours each way by coach.... they serve the sick and elderly. The young people worked long hours from 6.30am until 10.30 at night providing care, companionship and a means of getting about (by pushing wheelchairs).
The young came back deeply affected by the experience, learning so much about themselves and their faith - we have no doubt that the experience of Lourdes will remain with them.
Bookings for pilgrimages, fill in the form from and send it straight back - you will need to have it signed by the Parish Priest and send the deposit with the form. Dependant on circumstances the parish may find the deposit for you. But, you have to move quickly as places on the Lancashire coach are snapped up very quickly !