Pastoral Development aims to look at and engage with the pastoral needs of the whole parish community. We want to acknowledge and celebrate God's gifts, reaching out to all, including those who for one reason or another have not yet actively joined in. 

Our main task traditionally has been the organisation of annual celebrations of parish life, taking on different formats over recent years, but always making for wonderful social celebrations and opportunities for parishioners to meet and get to know each other better whilst dining and relaxing. 

Expanding our activities, more recently these have encompassed occasions such as welcoming families with newly baptised children into the parish community, and celebrating with our older parishioners, e.g. benediction and afternoon tea. 

With special emphasis on involvement of the new generation of "Weldbankers", all these are opportunities to overcome barriers, bring "young and old" together and make us more into what we should be, one family in Christ.

More help is always appreciated, and if you would like more information, please click here and choose “PDSC” from the list of options.