11 October 2015
28th Sunday, 11th October - Day of Prayer for Prisoners
Sunday Masses
9.30am Jock Halton (A)
11.00am Gerald & Teresa Thompson, Harold and Hannah Slater
6.30pm Frank Smith
Weekday Masses
Mon. 8.30am Geraldine Ellis
Tues. 8.30am Anne Gerard (FM)
Wed. 8.30am Valerie Bretherton
Thurs. 8.30am Peter Higgins (A)
Fri. 8.30am For the Sick
Sat. 8.30am Mary Gaskell (LD)
Sunday Masses, 18th October
9.30am Jean Trafford (LD)
11.00am Doreen & Jock Harvey (A), Mary Winifred Booth
6.30pm Deceased Members of the Dickinson and Cocker Families
Please Pray For Our Sick Brothers and Sisters
Jayne Hodge Kathleen Reynolds Bridget Cain Hazel Lee Mary Patten Agnes Martindale Robert Stretton Hilda and Harold Haworth Mildred Bridge Margaret and Fred Wood Harold Sutton Josie Down Mary Campbell Margaret Bower Thomas Moss Winifred Marshall Gerard Baker Hugh O’Daly Margaret Dearden Maureen Jackson David Woods Frank Morris David Lynch
Please remember two old faithful parishioners both ninety-three years of age – who died this week: Winifred Walmsley and Maureen Turner. We thank God for their good and long lives. May they rest in peace. Maureen’s requiem will be celebrated here on Tuesday at 10.30am, and Winifred’s on Friday at 10.30am.
Today we welcome in baptism Lindsay Karen Blyth.
Thank you for last week’s offertory collection of £916 and for your generous response to the Harvest Appeal - £555 to the CAFOD collection, and £860 to the “Water Aid” collection. Thank you.
Prisoners’ Sunday
Not perhaps the most appealing of appeals, but one the Church is very involved in... after all, we believe that no one is beyond redemption and that change can and does take place. Prisoners need our help and support. There are more than eighty thousand people in prison... that’s eighty thousand families – husbands, wives, children, that are affected. Will anything ever be done to change prisons from ‘lock-ups’ to places where people are encouraged to change their lives... for example more than three quarters of them cannot read, write or count to the standard of an eleven year old... drug use is widespread, undermining any attempts to clean up prisoners from pre-existing addictions: one inmate said drugs are easier to obtain than soap. The new Secretary of State is making the right noises... we pray that they will effect change in the way we treat prisoners in goal.
200 Club
The winners for the September draw were as follows:
1st prize no.36 (£50) G. & I. Barker 2nd prize no.102 (£30) P. Gomersall 3rd prize no.86 (£20) L. Smith
And thanks to the children who delivered ‘Harvest Boxes’ to our old parishioners – they were delighted to meet you when you called at their homes. Many thanks to their parents whose generosity filled the Harvest Boxes.
Open Evening
You are all invited to come to look around the School on Wednesday (6.00 to 8.00pm) – an Open Evening to show the School to prospective new parents (and children) and for us all to see the work being done there. You will be most welcome.
Synod on the Family
Please continue to pray for the 270 bishops who are meeting in Rome to talk about family life today.... we pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire them... .
Ministering to the Assembly
Counters (12th October) Terence Donnelly, Bernard Kiley
Rotas (18th October)
S.A.S. Sandra Donnelly, Madge Martin, May West
Readers Terence Donnelly Linda Walmsley Norma Gillett
Ministers David Chadwick Catherine Todd Carol Hardman
Clare Meredith Margaret Scard
Dial a Ride Phil Southworth Bernard Hargreaves